Brunswick County was formed from Prince George County in 1720, and addition land was added from Isle of Wight and Surry Counties in 1732. This rural county largely consisted of tobacco plantations. Greensville County was cut from its eastern portion in 1780.
George 1 Brewer (1670-1743)
Born - 1670 in Isle Wight County, Virginia
Married - 1705 Charles City County, Virginia to Sarah Lanier and Alice (possibly Burwell)
Died - 7 Dec 1743 Brunswick County, Virginia at the age of 73
George Brewer is the man from whom many of the southern Brewers descend. There is some question as to who his father was. I’ve seen reference to him being John Brewer III, Nicholas Brewer, or Henry Brewer.
In the name of God Amen: This 13th. Day of July 1741, I, George Brewer of the County of Brunswick, VA being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, so make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament. That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it. And my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Exor. Not doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased Almighty God to bless me in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
Written 13 Jul 1741, Proved 2 Aug 1744
Brunswick County Will Book 2 (1739-1785), p. 91-92
Brunswick County Will Book 2 (1739-1785), p. 91-92
Wife named - Alice
Children listed - William, Oliver, Henry, Nathaniel, Sarah Vick, Lanier, George, Nicholas, John, Hoel (Howell)
Property mentioned - 400+ acres, cattle, horses, guns, feathers for a bed, household goods, stock within doors and without doors (slaves?)
Imprimis. I give devise and bequeath unto my son William Brewer that parcel of land whereon he now dwellith beginning at the branch on this side of his house and all on the south side thereof to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my son Oliver Brewer all the rest of this tract of land whereon I now dwell to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my son Oliver Brewer all the rest of this tract of land whereon I now dwell to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Henry Brewer all that tract of land between Fountain Creek and Rattle Snake Creek to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Brewer two hundred and fifty acres of land tying on both sides of the old Roanoak Road, to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Vick one hundred and fifty acres of land lying on both sides of of the old Roanoak aforesaid to her and the heirs of her body.
Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Brewer two hundred and fifty acres of land tying on both sides of the old Roanoak Road, to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Vick one hundred and fifty acres of land lying on both sides of of the old Roanoak aforesaid to her and the heirs of her body.
Item I give and bequeath unto Alice my dearly beloved wife that estate whereon we now dwell together with all my household goods and stock both within doors and without doors for the maintenance of all my younger children that has pleased God to give me by her during her life or until she marry again.
Item. I give unto my son Lanier Brewer a young steer.
Item. I give unto my son George Brewer a young horse.
Item. I give unto my son Nicholas Brewer a cow and calf.
Item. I give unto my son John Brewer a cow and calf.
Item. I give unto my son Hoel Brewer a young horse that we call Snip and feathers to make him a bed.
Item. I give unto my son George Brewer a young horse.
Item. I give unto my son Nicholas Brewer a cow and calf.
Item. I give unto my son John Brewer a cow and calf.
Item. I give unto my son Hoel Brewer a young horse that we call Snip and feathers to make him a bed.
Item. I give unto my son Henry Brewer a gun.
Item. I give unto my son Oliver Brewer a gun.
Item. I give unto my son Oliver Brewer a gun.
Item. I give unto my son Nathaniel Brewer a gun.
Item. It is my true will, intent and pleasure that when my wife dies or marries again that my personal estate together with all my household goods and stock both within doors and without doors may be equally divided among my younger children that it has pleased God to give me by her.
And lastly. I hereby constitute make and ordain my dearly beloved wife Alice my Exor. And my son Hoel Brewer my Exor. Of this my last will and testament to see that it be duly and honestly performed according to the true interest and meaning thereof. And I do hereby utterly, disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former testaments, wills, legacies and requests and executions by me in any ways before named will’d and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and none other for to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have here set my had and seal the day and year above written.
George G Brewer (LS)
Signed sealed published and declared by George Brewer as his last Will and
Testament in the presence of us the subscribers.
Douglas Powell, M. Shaw, John Norwood
At a court held for Brunswick Co. On the 2nd. Day of Aug. 1744 this will was presented in court by Alice Brewer and Howell Brewer the Exors. Therein named who made oath thereto according to law and was proved by the oaths of Douglas Powell and Middleton Shaw two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said Exors. Certificate is grated them for obtaining a Probate in due form.
Test. Ster Clark, Cir Cur.
Per Brunswick Court order dated June 27, 1746 we, Richard Ledbetter, Henry Ledbetter, and Charles Collier, being first sworn before Mr. George Walton, have valued and appraised the estate of George Brewer dece'd.
old pewter
old lumber
3 beds and bed clothes
Total value: £17 s2 p6.
Signed - Alice Brewer, Howell Brewer, Exors.
Returned to Brunswick Court on Sept. 4, 1746.
The estate was reportedly not settled until late in 1749 because of arguments within the family. The above list is probably only a partial summary of his possessions, but I have not seen the original document. With regards to the total value, note that £ are pounds, s means shillings, and p represents pence.
Frances Wyche
Inventory of Estate
Source - Long Line of Brewers, by Ben Brewer, Page 41
old pewter
old lumber
3 beds and bed clothes
Total value: £17 s2 p6.
Signed - Alice Brewer, Howell Brewer, Exors.
Returned to Brunswick Court on Sept. 4, 1746.
The estate was reportedly not settled until late in 1749 because of arguments within the family. The above list is probably only a partial summary of his possessions, but I have not seen the original document. With regards to the total value, note that £ are pounds, s means shillings, and p represents pence.
Frances Wyche
Mother of Abigail Wyche, wife of George 2 Brewer
Proved 5 May 1748
Will Source - Brunswick County Will Book 2, Page 148
Abstract -
Names daughter Abigail Brewer, son-in-law George Brewer, and William Lucas, daughters Rebecca Lucas, Elizabeth Lucas, son, William, grandson son John Brewer, granddaughter Frances Brewer, grandson William Lucas son of Samuel and Rebecca Lucas. Executors are son William Wyche and son-in-law George Brewer.
Abstract Source - Long Brewer Line, by Ben Brewer, page 94
George 2 Brewer (1700-1760)
Born - 1700 (shown elsewhere as 1718) in Surry County, Virginia
Married - 4 Mar 1734/1735 in Brunswick County, Virginia to Abigail Wyche
Died - before 27 Oct 1760 in Brunswick County, Virginia at the age of about 60
In the Name of God Amen. I, George Brewer of Brunswick County and parish of Meherrin being very sick but of sound Judgment and memory do make & Ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son George Brewer Two Hundred and forty five Acres of Land on the Beaver Pond Creek the upper part of my Tract Containing four Hundred and Ninety Beginning at the Mouth of Ready branch and thence to the back line to include lake, my Negro Boy Will, one Cow and Calf and five Sheep to him and his Heirs forever.
Written 16 Aug 1760, Proved 27 Oct 1760
Clerk of the Court's Office, Brunswick County, Will Book 3, page 344-345
Wife not mentioned
Children named - John, George, William, Henry, Sarah Vincent, Frances Wyche, Elizabeth and Abigail
Property listed - Feather beds, furniture, a still, cattle, sheep, almost 1000 acres and 8 slaves
In the Name of God Amen. I, George Brewer of Brunswick County and parish of Meherrin being very sick but of sound Judgment and memory do make & Ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say.
Imprimis. I give and Bequeath unto my son John Brewer my Tract of Land Situate on the North side of the Beaver Pond Creek, Containing two hundred & Twenty Acres, also Two Hundred and Forty five Acres the Lower part of another Tract on the said Creek Containing four Hundred and ninety Acres Beginning at the mouth of the Ready branch and thence to the Back line to include the aforesaid Quantity to Give Him and his Heirs forever likewise I give unto my said son John my Negro girl Patt and five sheep to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son Wm Brewer all that part of the Tract of land I now live on, on the north side of the Falling River granted me by patent Bearing Date the eighth day of September one Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Eight, also one Hundred and fifty Acres adjoining the Lower part of said Tract of Land Beginning at the mouth of a small creek on the north side of the Falling River at the upper end of the great Meadow and thence to my back line to include the aforesaid Quantity, also my Negro man Peter, my Horse Ball, and one young man and one Feather Bed and furniture to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my son Henry Brewer all that part of that Tract of Land. Whereon I live which lies on the South of the Falling river, also one Hundred and Thirty Acres of Land the Lower part of a Tract adjoining the Land I live on also my Negro boy Jacob, and one Feather Bed and furniture to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I give unto my Daughter Sarah Vincent one Negro Girl named Lucy, one Cow and Calf and Two Sheep to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give unto my Daughter Frances Wyche my Negro girl Nan, three Cows and Calves and Six pewter plates to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Brewer my Negro Wench Hannah to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give unto my Daughter Abigail brewer my Negro Wench Milley to her and her Heirs forever.
My will is that my Still with all the residue of my Estate not heretofore given away, be sold and the money arising therefrom be Equally Divided amongst my four youngest Children William, Henry, Elizabeth, and Abigail and if other of my last remaining Children should die before they arrive to the age of Twenty one or Married then my will is that their part be Equally Divided among my Surviving Children their age not to be Regarded.
I do Constitute and Appoint my Son John Brewer and George Brewer Executor of this my last will & Testament, Revoaking Disannuling and making void all other Wills theretofore by me made. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Sixteenth Day of August one Thousand seven Hundred and Sixty.
George Brewer (Seal)
Signed, Sealed, Established, and Delivered in Presence of
James Wall
John Rossen
Daniel Cator
At a court held for Brunswick County the 27th day of October 1760. This will was proved by the Oaths of John Rossen, and Daniel Cator two of the Witnesses thereto, and on the motion of John Brewer the Executor therein named who made Oath thereto according to Law and together with George Wych & William Brewer his curriters [sic. curators?] ordered into and Acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of one Thousand pounds Conditioned as the Law Directs Certificate was granted for Moving of probate thereof in one form and word at a Court held for the said County the 26th of January 1761. The said will was further proved by the Oath of James Wall the other Witness thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.
Test. John Robinson C. J. Curr.
In obedience to an order of court to us directed we the subscribers being first sworn do prise [sic, appraise] the estate of George Brewer, Jr. as follows: £89-S13-P6.
Signed: John Vinson [sic. Vincent], Daniel Cato [sic. Cator].
Ret. into Brunswick County Court 26 July 1762 and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Robinson C. of Cur.
John Vick Jr (1700-1789)
Born about 1700, possibly in Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Married Sarah Brewer, daughter of George Brewer and Sarah Lanier, about 18 Nov 1730 in Brunswick Co, Virginia
Died between 19 Feb 1787 and 24 Dec 1789
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, I, John Vick of Brunswick County and Meherrin Parrish being sick and weak of body but of sound mind and disposing memory, bless God, for his Mercy do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament.
IMPRIMIS, I give and bequeath unto my Son Howell Vick One hundred and twenty five acres of Land lying on Beaver Pond Creek, joining Captain Littleberry Robinson and George Collier's lines and to come up to what is called the Rocks, for a dividing line, between the Land on which I reside and that I cut off for him, ALSO one Negro man James, also my cross-cut saw, to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my son John Vick the remainder of my whole lands, only he shall find a Home for as many of my Daughters as choose, as long as they live single and ground to tend, also my still, and one large Iron pot, to him and his heirs forever. I also lend to him my Negro boy named Sharper during his life, and after his Decease my Will is that he be sold, and equally divided amongst all the Children of my said Son, lawfully begotten unto them and each of their heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Henrietta Vick, one Negro woman named Jenny, also one feather bed and furniture, to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Vick, one Negro girl named Dorcas, to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Clark thirty five pounds current money to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Edith Vick one Negro girl named Hannah also one feather bed and furniture, to her and her heirs forever (the bed called hers).
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Katy Woodruff one Negro girl named Dolley to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Vick one Negro boy named Tim. (Also my bed I generally lie on), and furniture, to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM It is my will and desire all my Estate not heretofore given away be sold and the money arising from such sale be equally divided between my six daughters, Henrietta, Sarah, Edith, Katy, Ann, and Mary to them and to each of their heirs forever. But if either of my aforenamed daughters should die leaving no heir, of her own body lawfully begotten then my Will is the part of the deceased be equally divided amongst my surviving daughters to them and to each of their heirs forever.
ITEM My will and desire is that my Estate be not appraised.
ITEM I do nominate and appoint my sons, Howell and John Vick, whole and sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, revoking all others by me heretofore made, being null and void. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this nineteenth day of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven.
John Vick (LS)
Signed, Sealed and Published and Delivered in the presence of Nathan Johnson
John Vick
Hoses Johnson, Junior
At a Court held for Greensville County the 24th day of December, 1789. This Will as proved by the oaths of Nathan Johnson and Hoses Johnson, Junior. Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of John Vick one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto, and together with Person Williamson and Nathaniel Woodruff his Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of fifteen hundred pounds.Conditioned as the Law directs. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form, Liberty being reserved for the other. Executor therein named to qualify when he may think fit.
TesteP. Pelham CC C
Robert C. Wren, Clerk
by Mary D. Lee, D.C.
Transcription Source - Rootsweb, Vick-L Archives ➚ (A sincere thank you to the transcriber, Ronald Vick!)
Inventory of Estate 1762
Source - Brunswick County Will Book 4, page 302
Long Line of Brewer, by Ben Brewer, page 54
In obedience to an order of court to us directed we the subscribers being first sworn do prise [sic, appraise] the estate of George Brewer, Jr. as follows: £89-S13-P6.
Signed: John Vinson [sic. Vincent], Daniel Cato [sic. Cator].
Ret. into Brunswick County Court 26 July 1762 and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Robinson C. of Cur.
John Vick Jr (1700-1789)
Born about 1700, possibly in Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Married Sarah Brewer, daughter of George Brewer and Sarah Lanier, about 18 Nov 1730 in Brunswick Co, Virginia
Died between 19 Feb 1787 and 24 Dec 1789
Written 19 Feb 1787 in Brunswick County, Virginia
Proven 24 Dec 1789 in Greensville (formerly Brunswick) County, Virginia
Will Book 1 at page 149, Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Greensville County, Virginia.
Wife not mentioned - son, John, had to find a place for the unmarried daughters to live
Children named - Howell, John, Henrietta, Sarah, Ann Clark, Edith, Katy Woodruff, and Mary
Property listed - 125+ acres, 6 slaves, cross-cut saw, still, large iron pot, feather beds, furniture, and 35 £
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, I, John Vick of Brunswick County and Meherrin Parrish being sick and weak of body but of sound mind and disposing memory, bless God, for his Mercy do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament.
IMPRIMIS, I give and bequeath unto my Son Howell Vick One hundred and twenty five acres of Land lying on Beaver Pond Creek, joining Captain Littleberry Robinson and George Collier's lines and to come up to what is called the Rocks, for a dividing line, between the Land on which I reside and that I cut off for him, ALSO one Negro man James, also my cross-cut saw, to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my son John Vick the remainder of my whole lands, only he shall find a Home for as many of my Daughters as choose, as long as they live single and ground to tend, also my still, and one large Iron pot, to him and his heirs forever. I also lend to him my Negro boy named Sharper during his life, and after his Decease my Will is that he be sold, and equally divided amongst all the Children of my said Son, lawfully begotten unto them and each of their heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Henrietta Vick, one Negro woman named Jenny, also one feather bed and furniture, to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Vick, one Negro girl named Dorcas, to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Clark thirty five pounds current money to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Edith Vick one Negro girl named Hannah also one feather bed and furniture, to her and her heirs forever (the bed called hers).
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Katy Woodruff one Negro girl named Dolley to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Vick one Negro boy named Tim. (Also my bed I generally lie on), and furniture, to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM It is my will and desire all my Estate not heretofore given away be sold and the money arising from such sale be equally divided between my six daughters, Henrietta, Sarah, Edith, Katy, Ann, and Mary to them and to each of their heirs forever. But if either of my aforenamed daughters should die leaving no heir, of her own body lawfully begotten then my Will is the part of the deceased be equally divided amongst my surviving daughters to them and to each of their heirs forever.
ITEM My will and desire is that my Estate be not appraised.
ITEM I do nominate and appoint my sons, Howell and John Vick, whole and sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, revoking all others by me heretofore made, being null and void. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this nineteenth day of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven.
John Vick (LS)
Signed, Sealed and Published and Delivered in the presence of Nathan Johnson
John Vick
Hoses Johnson, Junior
At a Court held for Greensville County the 24th day of December, 1789. This Will as proved by the oaths of Nathan Johnson and Hoses Johnson, Junior. Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of John Vick one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto, and together with Person Williamson and Nathaniel Woodruff his Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of fifteen hundred pounds.Conditioned as the Law directs. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form, Liberty being reserved for the other. Executor therein named to qualify when he may think fit.
TesteP. Pelham CC C
Robert C. Wren, Clerk
by Mary D. Lee, D.C.
Transcription Source - Rootsweb, Vick-L Archives ➚ (A sincere thank you to the transcriber, Ronald Vick!)
Enjoyed reading this family information and thought I would pass on information regarding my husbands direct ancestor. Oliver Brewer his 6th Great Grandfather
ReplyDeleteWhen OLIVER BREWER was born in 1708 in Surry, Virginia, his father, GEORGE BREWER, was 38 and his mother, SARAH LANIER, was 22. He married REBECCA ANN SMITH in 1730 in Brunswick, Virginia. They had ten children in 27 years. He died on October 14, 1791, in Pittsboro, North Carolina, having lived a long life of 83 years.
Will of Oliver Brewer, dated 14 Oct. 1791, no probate date
This will has some funny spellings, (i.e. executioner for executor) It
was a very clearly written will and I copied it faithfully !!
Chatham Co. Record of Estates, 1782-1799, Vol. 1, pg. 45(b),46
NC State Archives film # C.022.50001
In the name of God amen I Oliver Brewer of the State of North Carolina
& County of Chatham being weak of Body but of sound mind & memory
thanks be to allmighty God for it theirefoure cawling to mind the
mortality of my body and knowing tis appointed for all men once to die
I do make and owder this to bee my last Will and Testament in manner
and form as followeth first I recom my immortal soule into the hands of
my blessed redeemer who gave it to me sec,dly I giv my body to the
Earth from whench it was taken to bee Buried at the dscrtion of my
executioner heareafter metioned- Thirdly my Will is that all my jest
debts bee paid,
Item, I give to my beloved wife Rebecah Brewer the plantation whareon I
now do live during hur naturall life time or widowhood and all the Land
of this side wards Branch joyning the plantation & after hur decease to
my son George Brewer to him his heirs & assigns forever, Item, I give
to my sons namely William Brewer & Henry Brewer & Christopher Brewer
all the land of the North side of Wards Branch to be equally divided
between the three William part to Joyn William Edwards line Henry's to
bee next and Christophers to bee next and Joyn Word branch to them and
their heirs and assigns forever
Item I give to my son Oliver Brewer Sixty pounds to him his heirs and
assigns forever Item give to my beloved wif Rebecah Brewer one Horse
that is cauled hurn to hur heirs and assigns forever and one Negroe
woman named Jude during hur natural life time or widowhood and the bed
whareon she lies and furniture, Item, I give to my daughter Frances
Brewer the bed that is cauled hurn and furniture. and two cows & calve
the residue and remander of my wourldy Estate I leave to my six sons
Namely Edward Brewer and Oliver Brewer & William Brewer & Henry Brewer
& Christopher & George Brewer and my daughters namely Patti Blalock &
Rebecah Edwards & Hannah Edwards & Frances Brewer to be equally divided
amongst them all after making them equal that has had nothing given
with them that has Lastly I constitute and appoint my Beloved wif
Rebecah Brewer & George Blalock & William Edwards extr's of this my
last Will and Testament as Witness my hand and seale this this 14th day
of October 1791
Signed Oliver Brewer {Seal}
A Copy Test. John Ramsey C.C.
James Smith
Howel Hearn
Hope you find this information useful.
Linda in KY